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Nov 25, 2014

Coming up --- LUBOVITCH'S OTHELLO AT ABT (May 17)
Coming up --- SUMMER INTENSIVE AT SKIDMORE (May 31--June 20)

Alessandra Ferri & Tobin Del Cuore.
.Artemis in Athens. Photo: Yi-Chun Wu.
Alessandra Ferri & Tobin Del Cuore.
.Artemis in Athens. Photo: Yi-Chun Wu.

Lar Lubovitch’s choreography is a
thrilling sight,
ravishing the eye,
telling stories both complicated and mysterious.
The New Yorker


We thank all of our supporters who made our season at the Joyce Theater last month such a huge success. You made it possible for us to create two new dances and to present them, with live music, for the great enjoyment of many thousands.

Dance writers loved Artemis in Athens, praising it as “witty, “charming,” “lovely” and “delightful.” Alessandra Ferri was lauded as “sensational,” “glamourous and glorious,” and her partner Tobin Del Cuore was called “wonderful” and “impressive.”

Pundits were likewise transfixed by The Black Rose, calling it a “cinematic ballet that is both alluring and disturbing.” Writers found it “macabre,” “hallucinogenic,” “lustrous and evocative.” Mucuy Bolles was called “brilliant” and “gorgeous.” Reid Bartelme and Barton Cowperthwaite “were both outstanding” and “perfect.”

For a complete collection of full-length articles about the season: click here.

Please help us raise the final $80,000 we need to cover the costs
we incurred in creating and presenting the two new dances:


Mucuy Bolles & Reid Bartelme.
The Black Rose.
Photo: Yi-Chun Wu.
Mucuy Bolles & Reid Bartelme.
The Black Rose.
Photo: Yi-Chun Wu.

On the occasion of the annual conference of APAP (the Association of Performing Arts Presenters), the Lar Lubovitch and Martha Graham Dance Companies are joining forces for a special showing of new works and classics. On January 9th, exclusively for those who are attending the APAP conference, the Lubovitch company will perform The Black Rose, which premiered just last month at the Joyce Theater. The dance will tour in 2015 with support from the National Dance Project. The Graham company will perform Graham's stunning Steps in the Street and previews of new works by Liz Gerring and Sonya Tayeh. Both Lar Lubovitch and Janet Eilber will be on hand to introduce the works.

To request a seat, send us an email with your name and your APAP affiliation. To send: click here.

Coming up --- LUBOVITCH'S OTHELLO AT ABT (May 17)
Julie Kent & Marcelo Gomes in Lar Lubovitch's Othello.
Photo: Gene Schiavone. Courtesy of ABT.
Julie Kent & Marcelo Gomes in Lar Lubovitch's Othello.
Photo: Gene Schiavone. Courtesy of ABT.

This spring, American Ballet Theatre will perform Lar Lubovitch’s Othello at the Metropolitan Opera House. Hailed “as a milestone in the history of dance in this country” by the San Francisco Examiner when the ballet debuted in 1997, Othello has not been seen in New York in more than 8 years. Othello is being presented by ABT in 2015 as one of the highlights of their 75th anniversary season. To mark the festive occasion, the Lubovitch company will be hosting a theater party with artists and friends.

To join us and receive more info, let us know of your interest: click here.

Coming up --- SUMMER INTENSIVE AT SKIDMORE (May 31--June 20)

Skidmore workshop 2011.
Skidmore workshop 2011.

From May 31 to June 20, 2015, the Lubovitch company will offer will offer an intensive workshop for pre-professional and professional dancers at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York. Led by Lar Lubovitch, the program will offer training in Technique (Modern & Ballet), Lubovitch Repertory, Body Conditioning and Special Interest Seminars. Veteran Lubovitch dancers will teach daily classes. Students will have the opportunity to enjoy Skidmore’s facilities and Saratoga Springs while training and performing under the guidance of these master teachers. On June 17th, the company will perform at SPAC (the Saratoga Performing Arts Center).

This residency is sponsored, in part, by the Harkness Foundation for Dance and the New York State Council on the Arts Dance Program.

For more info: click here.

Lar Lubovitch Dance Company

Mission: The Lubovitch company was created to realize the artistic vision of Lar Lubovitch, one of the foremost contemporary choreographers in the United States. The company exists: (1) to create new work; (2) to perform those works (and facilitate the performance of those works by others) both in our home base of New York City and around the world; and (3) to teach people of all ages, ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds, in order to increase awareness and appreciation of dance.

History: Over the past 46 years, the Lar Lubovitch Dance Company has gained a reputation as one of the world's leading modern dance companies and has performed in virtually every state of the US and in more than 30 foreign countries. Lar Lubovitch has been cited as one of the ten best choreographers in the world, and the company has been called a "national treasure" by Variety. The company is primarily focused on the creation of new dances, sometimes in collaboration with other top companies.

Contact: The Lubovitch company is located at 229 West 42nd Street, New York NY 10036. You can reach us at (212) 221-7909 or Or visit our website at

Support: Programs of the Lar Lubovitch Dance Company are funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, as well as by Harkness Foundation for Dance, McMullan Family Foundation, National Dance Project, New England Foundation for the Arts (with funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation), New York Community Trust, O'Donnell-Green Music & Dance Foundation, Little One Foundation, Jerome Robbins Foundation, Emma Sheafer Charitable Trust, Shubert Foundation, A. Woodner Fund and numerous additional generous individuals, corporations and foundations.

Memberships: The Lubovitch company is a member of Dance/USA, Dance/NYC, Americans for the Arts and the Arts & Business Council of New York.

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